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Company and T&C

Company and T&C

2023 marks another important milestone on our path, with PERFORMANCE iN LIGHTING joining the GEWISS group, a point of reference in the international market for home & building automation solutions and services, energy protection anddistribution, electrical mobility, and smart lighting.

This new project will allow us to further expand reciprocal skills, confirming the path of growth begun by PERFORMANCE iN LIGHTING in 2017 when all the products, PRISMA, SBP, and SPITTLER, were brought together under a single brand, which has now become PERFORMANCE iN LIGHTING | powered by GEWISS. 

This decision confirms our desire to constantly take on new challenges, offering innovative, technological, and reliable solutions in order to always meet the needs of our clients in an increasingly more complete way. Our history is forged on the determination to accept no compromise. In fact, PERFORMANCE iN LIGHTING products have always combined reliability with aesthetics and pleasing design with performance, characterising the history of technical lighting. Our path now confirms, even more vigorously, our perpetual enthusiasm for innovation which has led the group to become a solid global point of reference in the world of design and architecture. We trust that your faith in us remains unwavering, as it is a source of constant motivation that projects us towards the new challenges the world demands of us.

Made iN U.S.A.

Made iN U.S.A.

Performance in Lighting USA is located near Atlanta, Georgia. We pride ourselves in providing superior customer service, project pricing negotiations, technical support, and after sale/installation support. From design stage thru installation we will problem solve for you and assist in keeping the project in budget.



Being an independent company allows us to be extremely flexible and are able to produce modified/custom orders in a fraction of the time of our competition. We view every inquiry as a challenge and an opportunity for success.

Short lead times

Short lead times

Due to our large investment in component inventory, our lead times are unsurpassed. Most catalogued items ship within 2 weeks. Our commitment to service and knowledgeable support team provides accurate information throughout the entire order process.

Product compliance

Product compliance

UL is the trusted source across the globe for product compliance. Benefiting a range of customers – from manufacturers to retailers to consumers and regulating bodies – UL has tested products for public safety for more than a century.

ISO 9001:2015 certified

ISO 9001:2015 certified

PIL-USA is committed to quality and continual improvement.
We are proud to have met ISO 9001:2015 requirements and are certified once again focusing on:
Customer service, process improvement, risk-based thinking, efficiency.



Performance in Lighting pays particular attention to the laws that regulate the dispersion of light towards the sky and the advantageous use of energy. The company has a state-of-the-art photometric laboratory and specific software for designing reflectors that enables it to develop high efficiency luminaires.



In order to always provide customers with clear, complete information, Performance in Lighting has decided to provide the data pertaining to its LED luminaires in the following ways:

  • Nominal lumen indicate the luminous flux produced by the LED source according to indications from the manufacturer of the LEDs used in the luminaire. Sometimes this is an average value derived from the range indicated by the producer.
  • Real lumen indicate the luminous flux output of the luminaire. The real flux is therefore generally lower than the nominal flux because it depends on the luminaire’s thermal regime and the use of reflectors, diffusers, screens or lenses to direct the light.
  • Wattage drawn indicated in the table includes not only absorption by the LED light source, but also driver’s loss or other necessary electronic components of the luminaire. We then indicate the total amount of energy actually consumed by the luminaire.

With this information, Performance in Lighting wants to help create more clarity in this sector, the LED luminaire compartment, where it is sometimes difficult to interpret information and compare products.

Terms and Conditions / Warranty

Terms and Conditions / Warranty

Corporate Governance

Corporate Governance


Among the values that guide our development path there is integrity, for us the foundation on which employees, customers and all stakeholders build relationships of trust. Integrity means being responsible, reliable, and guided by solid principles.

Also for this reason we give the opportunity to report to anyone, even in anonymous form, anomalies or violations of the rules of ethical and legal behaviour provided by the company or required by law.

To do that is enough complete the anonymous form reachable by clicking on the button “send a report”.

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