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Verona - Italy

The new AMO (Arena Museo Opera) fittings lighted by Performance in Lighting. In 2013. 

Fondazione Arena Verona celebrates the first Centenary of the Opera Festival. Performance in Lighting has played a significant role in the implementation of three new fittings at the Arena Museo Opera (AMO), Fondazione Arena’s museum that is dedicated to excellence in Italian Opera. In the historical Palazzo Forti, with the exhibition dedicated to Maestro Luciano Pavarotti, and another two fascinating exhibitions (100 years of festival through 200 years of Giuseppe Verdi and the photographic exhibition Arena di Verona), on Tuesday, 23 April Arena Museo Opera welcomed the public to an exhibition track that makes its way along the seven major sections of the 15 halls of Palazzo Forti.

It is an interesting “journey into the world of opera,” from the first sketch to the actual performance on stage, from the draft of the libretto to the composition of the musical score, from the drawings for the scenes and costumes to the preparation of singers, from the video projection of parts of operas to old photographs of famous figures, singers and performances.

The lighting project designed for the Museum includes 140 AS 23 LED projectors produced by Spittler, which focus on and light up the artistic works of the Museum. Instead, 7 FL595 LED panels by Spittler (60x60) have been installed inside the common tracks. 4seasons by Prisma Architectural will be shortly installed to light up the garden, which is a mandatory passage between the two entrances to the Museum.

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