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Verona - Italy

A creative process drawing on the best architectural solutions offering top performance with “Ithaca Protocol” sustainability certification aimed at improving the building’s overall performance: the Crom Source headquarters in Verona is Italy’s first building lit up entirely with LEDs.

The integrated lighting project permits not only significant energy savings but improved visual comfort for each of the functions housed in the complex. The interiors are lit up with square and round modular DM 130/190/225 LED light fixtures with white reflectors and a translucent diffusor, ultra-flat FL 595, Revilight 30×30 lights installed flush with the false ceiling, and the SL 787 LED Dali system with microprism diffusors (all Splitter brand). On the outside of the building, Prisma’s Gradus light fixtures are set into the walls and the same company’s Madeforled lights are mounted on the walls, while the lights set into the pavement are Steel Mini Round LED and Alu Inground Square LED by Prisma Architectural.

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