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Klazienaveen - Holanda

  • PHOTOGRAPHER: Ronald Auée

The Esdal College offers on six locations in Drenthe, The Netherlands public education in a challenging and inspiring environment. The housing in Klazienaveen was outdated. PERFORMANCE iN LIGHTING supplied the lighting for the new school and also two gymnasiums and a library. Artificial light in perfect harmony together with daylight gives the whole building a fresh and open look.


In the design the architect was inspired by the Italian city of Mantova. The concept for the new building is based on a shared meeting area in which are located a number of “homes”. Each home accommodates 150 to 200 students. Besides its own home and the shared meeting area, the pupils are using “more specialist environments” on specific components of their programs. These are spaces for creative subjects, space for science subjects and sports areas. When both houses of the VMBO basic framework and vocational programs, also houses the surgeries Care & Wellbeing and Technology.


The Esdal College is a school with a wide range of studies. More than 4,000 students receive education in six small organized units, whose location in Klazienaveen is one of them. The Esdal College Klazienaveen houses 665 students from substructure to HAVO, superstructure VMBO-T and superstructure VMBO B/K, divided into Technology and Healthcare & Welfare.

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