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Granada - Espanha

  • PHOTOGRAPHER: Juanan Barros | Jose Benítez

In Granada, the urban renewal project that followed construction of the metro called for safety improvements to the pedestrian area of the local university’s Fuentenueva Campus, concentrated in the area connecting the station and the university campuses. The intervention is part of a large-scale urban project that has improved spatial organization and road safety by creating pedestrian corridors that are separated from road traffic and improving safety signage.

THEOS MINI GLASS floodlights installed at different heights provide correct lighting for both pedestrian/bike paths and nearby streets. The variety of optics available has made it possible to find the best solution for lighting that ensures optimal visibility on roadways of different widths and allows the installation of fewer of fixtures.

This public project, which anticipates an overall investment of 1.34 million euro, has opened an area where the metro and the railway station converge and created an important artery for the city that is enriched with green spaces in high-traffic areas. A public lighting intervention to benefit the university community and local residents as well.

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